Dedicated to Queer Joy
Dream it.
Queer Joy Collaborative grew out of the Northampton Community Music Center Pride Chorus and exists as an example of NCMC’s accomplished incubation of important and timely community programming. We dreamed of growing our chorus and other programming to foster and support queer joy through arts and mutual aid.
Build it.
Queer Joy Collaborative was founded in June of 2024 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the mission of promoting queer joy through the healing power of the arts and mutual aid. We have a six-member board of directors, and four committees: Fundraising, Financial, Events Planning, and Accessibility.
Grow it.
QJC launched with the QJC Chorus in September 2024. In January of 2025, we added the Rhythm & Radiance Kids Chorus, and one all-day writing workshop, and we have already started planning programming through June 2025.
Our core values also include paying staff a living wage, and offering programs that are accessible to people of all abilities. -
Share it.
Queer Joy Collaborative is built by and for the queer community and our allies. Please help us by sharing our programming, events, and website with your communities.